The tarot (/ˈtæroʊ/; first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi, tarock, and others) is a pack of playing cards, used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini and French tarot. In the late 18th century, it began to be used for divination in the form of tarotology and cartomancy.
Logo Design for first Tarot YouTube Channel named “Vienna Oracle” from 2016 now known as The Art of Tarot / Die Kunst des Tarot.
““The need for a sustainable spiritual practice, the necessity of transformatory self-reflection and the importance of training the intuition not only as an artist, but moreover as a creative spiritual being, have brought me into contact with the tarot cards years ago. I’m trying to distance myself from an unprofessional approach of “fortune telling” and naive esotericism. I much more combine my theoretical knowledge about history and symbolism of the tarot card system as a basis to provide soft guidance and inspiration to grow and develop the self. My studies of mystic theories and spiritual practices (f.e. yoga, meditation, various spiritual & mystic teachings) strongly influence my intuitive tarot readings. My background in liberal studies and the arts as well as my very personal experiences with trauma, loss and complex life situations help me to point seekers into directions and information, that might be useful for their very subjective and individualistic journey of unfolding and growth. Through my work I try to support querents in strengthening and reconnecting to their intuitive knowledge, encouraging their sense of individuality and transforming limiting believe systems. Being recognized, seen and perceived in essence can create a new relational space for connecting with deeper levels of conciousness and therfor built new pathways to further unfolding the creative self in a Jungian sense. This rather practical and psychological approach is building the foundation of my ever growing and evolving tarot-card practice “The Art of Tarot/Die Kunst des Tarot.””
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For more information on booking a private tarot session email tarot@stefaniekoscher.com or book video reading directly in the Webshop